Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ke Jinjang Pelamin Jugak Akhirnya..Tahniah buat Kamal & Ana
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Kalau Ada Yang Dengki & Busuk Hati
Sebenar nyer tujuan blog nie di buat hanyalah untuk suka2..mengubat hati di kala duka & mengimbau nostalgia pahit manis di Pulau Duyung, Kuala Terengganu. Di sebabkan oleh faktor dengki & busuk hati di kalangan manusia yang memang boleh di catagorykan sebagai SETAN nie maka terpaksalah blog ini di sembunyikan lebih dari 5 bulan..
Dan sekarang, selepas isue2 berbangkit dah senyap dengan sendirinya maka blog ini di hidupkan kembali..harapan supaya blog ini dapat diceriakan seperti dulu2. Since the original blog was called the BITCH CLUB so tak salah rasa nya we start to bicth around tapi haruslah dengan fakta2!
To all the people that I care so much..This is for you guys. My wish is we will stay in touch even though every1 have their own things to do! I presumed, after this, there will be no culprit among us..ENJOY!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Sabok Badak!!
Cruise lagi..
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Happy Birthday..LEMPOYANG!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Another story of us...
Monday, April 23, 2007
Twilight Cruise
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Dikir Barat Atromen
Lagu ni mmg power. Aku tengah terbayangkan kalu Si ASW yg nyanyi lagu ni. Pasti gempar satu Pulau Duyong. Seluruh penduduk di sekitar akan menganggapnye sbg hero mereka. Nicktromen - Hero Pulau Duyong. Namenye akan gah di segenap pelusuk pulau tersebut. Dari Seberang Takir sampai ke Kg Oh. Juga akan menjadi sebutan mokcik-mokcik jual keropok lekor di Losong. Muzium Losong akan penuh dgn kepale² resakse yg ditewaskannye. Semuenye disimpan disane utk pameran dan yg mane yg unik akan diletakkan di rumah beliau sbg souvenir.
Walaupun ASW agak kerbi sedikit, namun ini tdk menghalang beliau dr terus bermaharajalela dgn menewaskan resakse² yg cube menawan Pulau Duyong. Cume sekarang ini, Nicktomen terpakse buat suit baru kerana suit yg lame, saiznye mase 8 thn dahulu. So sekarang kalau still pakai suit tu, perut akan terkeluar sikit. Ianya akan nampak ganjal serta ginjal. Anyway, dgn kehadiran Nicktromen di Pulau Duyong, keselamatan Pulau Duyong itu sendiri menjadi lebih terjamin berikutan pemindahan besar²an resakse dr Tokyo ke Pulau tersebut.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Now..I know what I missed the most! TQ
I missed my childhood life..I missed my kindergaten friends, my sekolah rendah friends, my teachers, my soul mates, my cinta monyet' part time n full time lovers, my books, my cartoon movies, MY LIFE ESPECIALLY!
Oh my GOD! I know that GOD still love me that that's why, I am still here writing the story of my life..From Kampung boy..and knowing nothing about life..Here I am! And I can proudly say that "I love me..the only ME" sound selfish right? I am SELFISH but why people border? I never hurt them!
Talking to MIB & Smurfat the other day..I recalled back some stories throughout my life. I can't believed it! I am going to be 31 years old this year..I thought that, I am just still 17 or 18..preparing for my SPM but the fact was, I've gone beyond. The time that my friends still struggaled in school for their STPM, I was doing my London Chamber already..The time that they went to University, I worked already. At the age of 19yo, what I know was just work & work & work. Y?? For money obviously!
I completed my Chartered Institute of Marketing when I was 21yo. Life moved so fast, I have gone through difficult life..I have gone through happy & sad but what left for me? Experience...yeah EXPERIENCE! Nobody knows that I was a cleaner before, security guard after that, working day and nite..morning as a clerk and evening as a promoter boy. I am glad coz with the experiences, I am now a better person. I was a Manager when I was 21yo, I was a General Manager when I was 25yo, I was a Group Executive Director when I was 28yo. I'm proud of myself!
Life can't never be easy..It's how you managed & manipulate your life & as long as u don't break the law, you'll be safe. I know that I am a better person now! It's up to people to jugde me! I don't give a damn!
To Adlin, Man, Choo & Ijoi..Thank you for always be there for me all this while. Your time, advises & supports, I will never forget! NEVER..
To all my staff...Thanks for making my dreams come through even for a short period.. Without U guys supports..I don't know, where am I going to be..I hope, it is not too late for me to say that having all of U in my life "IT'S REALLY A BLESS"
Please don't think negative, you'll never know what will happen tomorrow & I don't wanna missed the opportunity to thanks everybody..THANK YOU..THANKS A MILLION!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Daripada Nana Tanjung!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Minyok-Version Kuala Berang
Lets join this blog Guys...Welcome to my fellow colleague, Bola2 Api, Bonzai@Smurfat, Burung Antu, Itik Gembo2, Talapia, Triple Bitch & ABE.
To my fellow staff.. sesapa yang nak join, you're welcome but if you guys smash me..Ingat2lah yang U all tu blum confirm lagi...Welcome to MIB, Yoda Master, Chupaka, Gigi Besi, Lempoyang, Ubi Tom, Sabok Badak, Plywood & Pizza Man.
Let me remind everybody that nobody allowed to used your real name..alasan nyer! I tak mau kantoi satniiie..kalau kantoi..biaq pecah di perut jer! Adios & Enjoy..
Thank you very much to Mat Dongga for the effort until this blog jadi kenyataan! LOve U!
Readers Info
Please email me about any topic that you might want me to publish here in this blog. Nik, please provide me your gmail address as I would like to add you as one of the administrator so that you can also publish your own articles, rumours, gossip, etc². Enjoy...