Di sebabkan birthday2 yang telah lalu..penuh dengan surprised..jadi, SB requested tak nak surprised birthday party sbb dgn confident nyer dia cakap..dia akan tahu punyer! Bongkak sikit member kita nie..Tungguuuuuuuuuuu!
We planned to celebrate his birthday on 11th May but I have the feelings that he will know abt it so myself & ubi tom decided to changed our plan to 10th May at 12 midnight..
Lepas gi beli hadiah SB kat ARENA(sblm tu gi cari kat The Store tapi haramm satu benda pun tak dak), we all terus gi order satey..3G, Chupaka & myself..Dan di sebabkan kitaorg kelaparan, kita org pun singgah makan laksa & laksam Terengganu..(sedap sungguh)..Ada crita di sebalik crita nie..tapi tak pa ah...9th May(I takkan lupa punyer date nie) :P
Detik 12mlm acara bermula..Jeng3..Happy Bithday to U..Happy Birthday to U...Happy Birthday to Shahmir..Happy Birthday to U!!!Merah padam muka dia..It's a surprised! Unfortunately..We missed our 3G and Smeagal..tak dapat hadirkan diri atas sebab2 yg tak dapat dielakkan..
Anyway..all of us enjoyed every moment last nite! SB, Wishing U Every Luck & Success!